Informal Consultation Launched: Management of Crab and Lobster Potting Fisheries

Eastern IFCA has launched an informal consultation on the management of crab and lobster potting fisheries.

The informal consultation will close at midday on Monday 30th of January 2023.


Eastern IFCA is currently developing a byelaw for managing the fisheries within Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ. We are also considering district-wide measures and reviewing four inherited byelaws. The purpose of the consultation is to seek the views of our stakeholders on the following issues:


  1. 1) Eastern IFCA’s management proposals to reduce the risk of potting to the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ
  2. 2) The review of four byelaws inherited from Eastern Sea Fisheries Joint Committee, and
  3. 3) The need for other management measures throughout the district



More information about this consultation, including an online questionnaire is available here: Eastern IFCA Informal Consultation: Management of Crab and Lobster Potting Fisheries 


Please note: This informal consultation is separate and distinct from the ongoing stakeholder events organised by Seafish on the development of national Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) for crab and lobster.

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